Snakes Alive! Follow Uncle Nancy's updates from the Noodlin' Inn in Frankston, Texas--where every critter, creature, and bird deserves an encouraging word. Characters welcome.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

First Bluebird Eggs

Sometime between Monday, March 23 and yesterday, Saturday March 28th, Bill and Hillary produced five perfect blue eggs. So, given that Bluebird eggs hatch 12-14 days after the last egg is laid, we can expect to hear little peeps anytime between April 4-12th. Once they’re alive and kicking around in the nesting box, we can expect them to fledge 15-20 days after that (April 27 to May 5th). I hope I got all of that math right.

Last year, Bill & Hillary hatched their first brood over at our neighbors, The Richardson’s, so I don’t have first brood info, but two years ago, they laid their first egg at our place on March 18, 2007. Perhaps they are a bit late this year because it has been cold and rainy (3 inches of rain in the last 6 days!)

We’re off to a great start for baby Bluebird watching. Make plans to come down soon.

Purple Martins Move In!

What a day--March 21st! A pair of mating Purple Martins spent the day flying around the Purple Martin Palace and landing on the gourds. It was wonderful to hear their songs and watch the sun shine off their purple backs. Then around 6PM, they went inside and built a nest. This morning, Sunday March 22, 2009, they were dive bombing crows and a Red-Shoulder Hawk—anything—that flew into their territory. The female is very active and cheerful, and like our dearly departed sweet baby dog Windy, the female Purple Martin flies like the wind. We have named her Windy! Her husband is Steve. What a fun addition to our bird family. (Photo: Steve (left) sings to Windy (right) on top of the Purple Martin Palace.)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sweet Windy Drago, R.I.P.

Sweet Windy Drago, R.I.P.

Our sweet puppy Windy was hit by a car yesterday. She was doing what she loves most—chasing a squirrel. Windy was a loving, free-spirited pooch. She was named Windy not only because it was windy on the day she came into our lives, she ran faster than the wind! She spent hours running around the lake. Watching Windy run in front of the golf cart while it was going full speed was like like watching a gazelle sprint across the plains of Africa. She was a thing of beauty and a cuddly friend. Sweet Windy, your spirit is alive and well here at the Noodlin’ Inn. You are forever in our hearts and will never be forgotten.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mid-March 2009 Bird Report

The Goldfinches are gone, but Pine Siskins (30) remain on the thistle. (Picture: five siskins and one finch on bottom left.) The front yard is full of Red-Wing Black Birds (72), Juncos, White-throated sparrows (beautiful song), a couple Pine Warblers, couple of Eastern Phoebes, our Cardinals (Sid and Nancy), Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, White-Breasted Nuthatches, and Red-Bellied Woodpeckers (pictured below). We've seen lots of cormorants and coots on the lake this winter. There is a family of snapping turtles living by the boathouse and five Mallard ducks come down for happy hour every couple of days.

Bill and Hillary: Season Three

Back at the mealworm feeder on a regular basis, Bill and Hillary are here for the summer.

Bluebirds Pick New White House at Noodlin' Inn

The new Bluebird nesting box, the White House, has been up for about six weeks. While it might be a little unsightly, the white panels are heat shields that will keep the temperature down in the hot summer months. The box was built by a troop of Boy Scouts in Kaufman. I went with them to put new nesting boxes up at Lake Tawakoni and they gave me one.

After I put it up, Bill and Hillary didn't know what to think about it, but low and behold, last Monday, Bill (left) started moving in! So look forward to a busy summer of Bluebird watching. On that same Monday, two male Purple Martins checked out the Purple Martin Hotel on the dock, but so far, nobody has checked in.

LuLu Ends the Winter

Lulu, Princess, Uncle Sticky, and I came down for a long, cold and rainy weekend. While the trees are budding--the dogwoods and redbuds bloomed overnight--the drop in temperature has kept us all inside by the fire. While we were snuggled up, our neighbors down the road watched as a Bald Eagle landed just off their dock and picked a fish out of the lake. Snooze you loose.