Snakes Alive! Follow Uncle Nancy's updates from the Noodlin' Inn in Frankston, Texas--where every critter, creature, and bird deserves an encouraging word. Characters welcome.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Last Saturday, the moon was full. Here it is peaking out from the tops of the trees directly across from the Noodlin' Inn. Don't you think it's time for you to visit? Hello? Come on....
Sorry the picture is a little sideways, but Orvis Dog shifted her weight just as I took the picture of our new boat house and dock. Pray for rain--you can see how low the water level is!!
Whenever my boyfriend Dick isn't cooking a yummy tenderloin over hickory chips, he's on the new dock taking pictures. Here you can see his faithful photo assistant, Orvis Dog, waiting for someone to get the Sea Hag out of the new boat house.
This summer we had quite a few great egrets at the lake. Most of the time they are fishing along the shoreline, but sometimes I catch them trying to look in the windows of the Noodlin' Inn and watch TV.
Rubert, our faithful ruby-throatedhummingbird, stopped by one last time to say goodbye for the season. He and his three buddies are headed to South America for the winter. Party down in Rio! They promised they'd be back next year and, before they left, they reminded me to clean out the finch feeders cuz it's almost time for the goldfinches to hit town.
As you can see, Miss Lulu has turned into a boating dog. In fact, her new nickname is "Orvis Dog" cuz she looks like an ad for Orvis. Everytime the boat comes out, she jumps in like an old pro. Sometimes she still acts like a city dog--the other day she barked at a jumping fish!